0% Margin
The best matches of the day are played at Megabet+ with 0% Margin.
Terms and conditions:
1. 0% Margin Markets: Applies to selected matches with the "0%" icon on our page.
2. 0% Margin Markets: Applies to "Winner of the Match" bet on tickets played before the start of the match.
3. Cashout option for the offer is available.
4. In case of withdrawal/modification of an offer, it is understood that the players who have already received the offer will be bound by the conditions under which they accepted the offer. It is noted that any modification to the terms and conditions of the promotion can be changed after approval by the National Betting Authority.
*The general Terms and Conditions of Cleverpath Holdings Ltd. apply.
Cleverpath Holdings Ltd – B011 – (V1.0 – 30/10/2023)

© 2021 Cleverpath Holdings Limited, all rights reserved. Megabetplus is a registered trademark.
Cleverpath Holdings Limited, with registration number HE354119, is a company registered in Cyprus with registered address at Strovolos avenue 124, 1st floor, office 101, 2042 Nicosia, and which activities are licensed and regulated by the National Betting Authority of Cyprus under Class B bookmaker's licence No. B0011 (Valid from 13.05.2023 to 12.05.2025).
Warning: Gambling can be addictive, play responsibly. Players must be at least 18 years old. Use of betting services by persons under the age of 18 years old is strictly prohibited by the law.
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