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Cash out


1. The Cash Out option is available on pre-selected markets both before and during the match, on single and multiple bets and as long as odds are available


2. Acceptance of the Cash Out request may register a slight delay from 10 seconds up to 1 minute and in cases whereby a market becomes suspended or there is a change in odds then the Cash Out option may not be available and your request may not be accepted.


3. If your cash out request is accepted a message will appear on your screen.


4. If you accept the Cash Out amount offered then the said amount will be credited into your account immediately after the bet settlement.


5. Cleverpath cannot guarantee that the Cash Out option will be available for all games, either pre-match or in-play. In such situations the original bet slips will still be considered valid and will be settled accordingly.


6. Cleverpath reserves the right at any time to disable the cash out service from specific customers/matches/markets.


7. Cleverpath is not responsible and will not be held liable if the Cash Out option is not available for technical reasons, in such situations the original bet slips will still be considered valid and will be settled accordingly.


8. The company reserves the right to correct/suspend/remove the service. If the company determines that the amount offered is incorrect, then it will not accept the request and will correct it, if possible, with a new offer. If the company decides to suspend or remove cash out on a match, that match will also be removed from live betting.


9. The maximum payout for Cash Out is twenty thousand euros (€20,000) per ticket. The Company reserves the right to adjust the maximum amount, after first obtaining approval from the National Betting Authority (NBA).


10. The Company reserves the right to reverse/cancel the settlement of a Cash Out ticket if there is an Obvious Error. For example, if this has been incorrectly settled due to a technical problem, information/odds error. Also, if due to any error the Cash Out settlement of the bet is wrongly accepted, then the Cash Out settlement will be voided and the bet will be settled at the correct company corrected price. If, for example, due to some obvious error during live betting, the Cash Out arrangement is wrongly accepted, then it will be canceled and if possible, a new corrected Cash Out offer will be made. If there are repeated attempts to place bets and Cash Out settlements thereof, before the Obvious Error is rectified/examined, then the Cash Out settlement of the bet and the original bet will be void.


11. Bets settled using Cash-Out will NOT be counted towards bonus payout calculation.



Cleverpath Holdings Ltd – B011 – (V.2.0 – 13/05/2023)

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Cleverpath Holdings Limited, with registration number HE354119, is a company registered in Cyprus with registered address at Strovolos avenue 124, 1st floor, office 101, 2042 Nicosia, and which activities are licensed and regulated by the National Betting Authority of Cyprus under Class B bookmaker's licence No. B0011 (Valid from 13.05.2023 to 12.05.2025).

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