ESPORTS General Rules
The arrangement will be based on the official result as stated by the respective organizer of the specific competition, the broadcast, or the interface of the game. Bets do not apply for non-participants.The start dates/hours are indicative and without any guarantee for their accuracy. If a match is held before the scheduled start date/time, then all bets placed after the actual start time of the match will be void. All bets placed before the actual start time will be valid.
A match that has been cancelled/postponed will be considered void unless it is postponed/continued within the next 48 hours.
Betting will be void if the match is not marked correctly.
If a name of a team is changed after the departure of the team from the organization, its inclusion in another organization or the official change of its name, all bets will be valid.
If a match or map starts and is not completed, then all bets will be considered void, unless they have already been judged.
If a match or map is repeated due to a tie, then this match or map shall be treated as a separate event.
If a match or map is repeated due to disconnection, all bets shall be considered void unless they have already been judged. This match or map will be treated as a separate event.
If in an official match a player plays with a wrong nickname or with a smurf account, the bets are valid unless it is obvious that they are not the mentioned player.
If a team loses the right to participate in a map, all bets on the Winner Match market will be valid and settled based on the official result, as stated by the respective organizing body of that competition. Bets concerning map purchases that have not been played shall be considered void.
If a player or team resigns on at least one map before the start of the match, all bets shall be considered void.
If a match is won by a team that surrenders, the match will be considered complete and all bets will be valid.
The maximum payment limit is 2000 euros.
Handicap Bets/Over-Under Total Maps/Exact Score/First on X Maps
If the number of cards changes or differs from the one offered for betting, all bets will be considered invalid.
If a match or map starts and is not completed, then all bets will be considered void, unless they have already been judged.
To win at least one map
If a match or map starts and is not completed, then all bets will be considered void, unless they have already been judged.
First Blood purchases: Only ‘killings’ by the opposing team/player will be calculated.
Kill purchases: will be arranged based on the official scoreboard, transmission or ARI of the game.
Moment Purchases: Will be arranged based on the official scoreboard, transmission or ARI of the game.
Structure Purchases: For settlement purposes, all damaged buildings count as damaged by the opposing team, regardless of whether the last hit was by a Champion or a Minion, or whether it is a yes or a no, these are rebuilt buildings.
Delivery: If there is a delivery, all purchases (unless otherwise specified) shall be settled on the results, as stated by the respective body of the specific tournament, broadcast or game API. Purchase bets for "Next" and "Time" will be cancelled. The final number of damaged Towers and Suspenders shall be settled on the minimum number of Towers and Suspenders required to win the game at the time of delivery. These additional buildings will be treated as damaged by the winning team and are limited to five Towers and one Suspender.
The Maps Duration Map in minutes are arranged based on the clock in the game. If a match starts but is not completed, bets will be void unless the result has already been determined.
If the ‘Chronobreak’ is used to turn a map into an earlier state, all purchases will be settled based on the facts after the point at which the map clock is turned backwards. If ‘Chronobreak’ is used to remove in-game events, e.g. Destroyed Towers, Killed Dragons, these will not count for settlement purposes.
Special Player: Bets on any player who does not participate in the tournament will be void.
Special Champion: All available Championships are counted for settlement purposes, regardless of whether they are selected or not.
Special Team: We will make settlements based on the official score tables of the games at the end of the tournament.
Special Tournament: We will make arrangements based on the official score tables of the games at the end of the tournament.
Tournament Player/MVP of the Tournament: The settlement will be based on the announcement by the official organizers of the tournament.
First Blood purchases: Only ‘killings’ by the opposing team/player will be calculated.
Kill purchases: will be arranged based on the official scoreboard, transmission or ARI of the game.
Creep purchases: Will be arranged based on the official scoreboard, transmission or ARI of the game. The settlement of the 'Roshan' markets is determined by the team that will kill Roshan and not by which team receives the Aegis of the Immortal, the Refresher Shard or the Cheese.
Structure Purchases: For settlement purposes, all damaged buildings count as damaged by the opposing team, regardless of whether the last hit was by a Hero, or an Evil person. The number of barracks will be determined by the range of people and the quarters involved that were destroyed.
Delivery: If there is a delivery, all purchases (unless otherwise specified) shall be settled on the results, as stated by the respective body of the specific tournament, broadcast or game API. Purchase bets for "Next" and "Time" will be cancelled. The final number of damaged Towers shall be settled on the minimum number of Towers and Suspenders required to win the game at the time of delivery. These additional buildings shall be treated as damaged by the winning team and are limited to five Towers.
The Maps Duration Map in minutes are arranged based on the clock in the game. Events that occur before creeps are born are included for settlement purposes.
Special Heroes: All available Heroes are counted for settlement purposes, regardless of whether they are selected or not.
Special Player: If a player does not complete at least one map in that event, all bets shall be void.
Special Tournament: We will make arrangements based on the official score tables of the games at the end of the tournament.
Special Team: We will make arrangements based on the official score tables of the games at the end of the tournament.
Compendium Specifically: All purchases shall be settled according to official Compendium results..
The match for Winner of the Race (2nd and 3rd Selection) will be based on the official score at the end of the regular time of the match, and it does not include the overtime or the time given to a penalty shootout or a golden goal.
This category includes the following tournaments: Esports Battles, Fifa2020, Ligapro, Proplayer Cup.
Where Extension can be played, this will be included in the market settlement, unless the Tie option refers to a specific market, in which case the settlement will be based on the stated number of rounds.
Map/Round Bet - Bets are void if the specified number of cards/rounds changes, or differs from those offered for settlement purposes.
Round Bet - If a round is repeated due to a disconnection or technical problem not related to the player, bets before the event and the Next Round-on-Round will be valid for the round that is repeated according to the official result. In-Round Benefits in Current Round markets shall be void and the recurring round will be treated as a separate entity.
Head 2 Head Players - If a particular player does not play on the entire map, all bets will be void unless the result has already been determined.
"Kill purchases: Will be arranged based on the official scoreboard, transmission or ARI of the game.”
“Bomb Purchases: Will be arranged based on the official scoreboard, transmission or ARI of the game.”
"Special Tournaments (including Special Teams and Players): They will be arranged based on the final results of the respective tournament. For special maps, all maps in the official map rotation count for settlement, regardless of whether they are played or not.
HLTV Special: They will be arranged in the official result, as provided by HLTV.
If ‘Match Medic’ (or similar) is used to turn the race to an earlier state, all purchases will be settled based on the events after the point at which the race was reversed. If ‘Match Medic’ (or similar) is used to remove in-game events e.g. Winning Rounds, Round Kills, these will not count for settlement purposes.
1.LOL – League of Legends
The League of Legends is a strategy game in which two teams of five powerful Heroes each clash in an attempt to destroy the opponent's base.
A selection of more than 140 Heroes, in order to kill their opponents to tear down Towers to lead their team to victory.
The game is divided into two teams, the players that can be found are from 3 to 5 players. The aim of the game is to destroy the NEXUS opponent. Each group starts on two opposite sides of the map, in an area called close to what is called "Nexus". “source”, close to what is called "Nexus". To destroy a Nexus, each group must operate through a series of towers called “Turret”. Turrets are often placed along a path in each database referred to as "Lane". By killing enemies, players can buy gold "items" on the market in order to improve their statistics. In League of Legends, each player starts at level 1 at the beginning of the match and can achieve a maximum of 18 levels with their player, and to achieve levelling the rest of the players, they have 4 different special abilities.
Dota 2 is an online arena battle game for many players.
The purpose in Dota 2 for every player in each team is to destroy the base of the opposing team. Each player has a character called "Hero" and must help in group battles and initially participate in the battles of the "lines" and thus help their team to win the game.
You can level up, purchase new items and upgrade your hero as the game progresses. Players compete against each other in two groups, Radiant and Dire. On the map there are three "lines"; one on the left side of the map and one on the right, and one in the middle; the players have to choose between ninety-nine heroes with different roles and special abilities. In each line there are 2 towers which, when destroyed, lead you to the enemy's base. From time to time, groups of monsters come out on each line to help each team destroy the opposing base, and by killing them you get gold to purchase new items and upgrade your player. Each team has five players trying to protect their towers or, as they are called in the game, "Ancients", and their base while trying to destroy rival buildings.
Football Electronic Leagues is a football video game. Each team tries to win the football match in which the football rules apply.
This category includes the following tournaments: Esports Battles, Fifa 2020, Ligapro, Proplayer Cup.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is a first-person shooter video game for multiple players.
The game involves two groups arguing with each other: terrorists and anti-terrorists. Both sides aim to assassinate their opponents, while at the same time completing separate goals. The Terrorists, depending on how they play, must either place the bomb or defend the hostages, while the anti-terrorists must either prevent the bombing, detonate the bomb or save the hostages.

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Cleverpath Holdings Limited, with registration number HE354119, is a company registered in Cyprus with registered address at Strovolos avenue 124, 1st floor, office 101, 2042 Nicosia, and which activities are licensed and regulated by the National Betting Authority of Cyprus under Class B bookmaker's licence No. B0011 (Valid from 13.05.2023 to 12.05.2025).
Warning: Gambling can be addictive, play responsibly. Players must be at least 18 years old. Use of betting services by persons under the age of 18 years old is strictly prohibited by the law.
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