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Money Back Accumulator

Play 5 picks or more on the sports included in the terms and conditions of this promotion, and if you lose just one pick, we'll give you your money back.

Terms and conditions:

1. Minimum odds per selection is 1,55.

2. The minimum number of selections per coupon is 5. If some of your selections are postponed or cancelled, the bonus will still be valid, as long as the valid selections are not less than 5.

For example, a multiple bet with 6 selections, where 1 selection lost, 2 voided and 3 won. In this case, the valid selections are 4, so the bonus will not apply. In the event that another ticket with 6 options, contains 1 lost option, 4 won and 1 postponed, the bonus is entitled as the valid options are 5.

3. Participation in the bonus program starts from 01/07/2023.

4. The offer is valid for both Pre-Match and In-Play markets.

5. Applies only to Football Events: Champions League, Europa League, World Cup Qualifiers – Europe (Men), First Division of Cyprus, Super League of Greece, Premier League, Primera Division, Bundesliga, Serie A, Ligue.

6. Valid for Football Markets only: 1X2, Over/Under, GG/NG.

7. Valid only for Basketball Events: NBA, Euroleague, Champions League, Spanish Championship, Spanish Championship, Greek A1 Championship.

8. Only applies to Basketball Markets: Win, Handicap, Over/Under.

9. Maximum refund amount €35. The refund amount is credited by the system to your account no later than 24 hours after your betslip has been settled.

10. We reserve the right to withdraw the availability of any or all offers to any customer or group of customers at any time after obtaining approval from the National Betting Authority.

11. The Company reserves the right to modify, cancel, request a refund or refuse any offer after receiving approval from the National Betting Authority. It is understood that players who have already received the offer will be bound by the terms with which they accepted the offer.

Cleverpath Holdings Ltd – B011 – (V.2.1 – 01/07/2023)

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© 2021 Cleverpath Holdings Limited, all rights reserved. Megabetplus is a registered trademark.

Cleverpath Holdings Limited, with registration number HE354119, is a company registered in Cyprus with registered address at Strovolos avenue 124, 1st floor, office 101, 2042 Nicosia, and which activities are licensed and regulated by the National Betting Authority of Cyprus under Class B bookmaker's licence No. B0011 (Valid from 13.05.2023 to 12.05.2025).

Warning: Gambling can be addictive, play responsibly. Players must be at least 18 years old. Use of betting services by persons under the age of 18 years old is strictly prohibited by the law.

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